University departments may use most of the University marks in situations that indicate University ownership, sponsorship or participation, including but not limited to publications and other departments; stationary; signage; advertising for the department’s services; equipment and supplies; and websites.
University departments may use university trademarks to raise funds for their own organization or charitable support with permission of the Trademark Licensing Office. Items purchased for sale must be acquired from licensed manufacturers and have the design artwork approved by the Licensing Office. The manufacturer will be required to pay royalties on the product in such cases. The trademarks should not be altered.
Steps for approval
University depatments and schools who wish to use App State marks on apparel (such as t-shirts, hats or golf shirts, etc.) and gift items (such as mugs, key chains, jewelry, etc.) must follow these steps:
- Click here to complete the license request and artwork submission online. As long as the item is not for resale, the royalty fee is typically waived.
- Once the artwork and approval form is received the Licensing Director will approve/disapprove your artwork and notify the printer.
- Once notified by the Licensing Director and the printer has received the approval form via email you are free to print your item.
- If you have any questions about the process, contact Morgan Rogers, who handles all approvals.